Unique Features

Code on Demand

No need to create batch of codes that floods your user hotspot list. Our software will do that for you!

Less Components

We made our software as easy as it can be. We've remove some components to simplify things. Try it now!

Easy to Setup

It takes only 5 minutes to setup the whole system. Our software works on existing Mikrotik Hotspot Configuration.

Low Cost Wifi Vendo

With nodemcu being the core of this system, this makes it a budget friendly Auto Generate Mikrotik Hotspot.

Watch our Video on How to Setup

Download and Try the Free Trial!

Free trial is good for 1 Rate only and a countdown of 5 secs before the code disappear.


Coinnectify v3.3.2

PyFlasher x64

NodeMCU PyFlasher x64

PyFlasher x86

NodeMCU PyFlasher x86